Sunday 26 April 2009

尋屋記 - 一波三折

定居英國快兩年了 剛開始的幾個月 跟我的先生Matthew 住在蘇格蘭的Dundee
租著一個兩房一廳一衛的公寓 一個月三百多磅的房租 對我們兩當時
一個領著時薪 一個領著月薪的小兩口 負擔並不大 也順便 存了些錢
幾個月後 他換了新工作 回到了Leeds (其實 是因為 我們兩個 太想家人和朋友了 ^_^~)

兩人回到Leeds 想買個房子 但是 房價實在 漲得亂七八糟
所以 到現在 我們一直跟公婆同住 每個月 付著跟之前在蘇格蘭 差不多的房租
(當初心想 要是我們是在台灣的話~我爸媽 才不會跟我們收房租哩 :p 其實 我們也不好意思 白吃白住啦)

去年年中後 房價終於開始下跌 (英國的經濟 也被拖的 一敗不振)
對我們這類 First time buyer 正是個好時機 再加上 如果 你能夠有些存款放入 做頭期款 更是 賣家和Mortgage lender的最愛
現在的經濟狀況 沒人能預測 經濟還會衰退多久 房價還會在跌多慘
若有買家負擔的起 又沒有貸款的困難 通常 賣家都能夠在商議的 再加上 若是no chain 又是一個好處
所以 我們兩個 從一個月前左右 就開始留意 現在的房屋市場
一邊列下 心目中 理想房子的條件
1. Village - 安靜 單純 能的話 最好是跟公婆近 以後也好照顧
2. 學區 - 現今英國的環境 實在令人擔心 想要讓小孩 能夠有個好的發展 除了 成長環境 學習環境 也是重要
3. Bedrooms - 我理想的 是3房 我的他 2房 3房都無所謂
前兩個 是我們找房子 主要的考量 接下來 就是要看在哪裡啦

東看西看 公婆住的village裡 實在沒什麼機會
看了第一戶 semi-detach 兩房 環境很好 很安靜 但是 房價超出預算 但是 為了賭一把 我們出了offer
第一次 想當然被拒絕囉 (給價錢殺得有點過分啦 :p) 緊接著 我們下了第二次 這次被接受哩
心想 降快就接受了 真是爽快 但是...沒幾個鐘頭 賣家改變心意了 接受了另一個offer (終究 人是貪心的 =.=)

接下來 第二個房子選擇 又是在village 這次 是個ex-council terrace house 外面有個小花園
裡面 前屋主的兒子媳婦們 正在 重新裝潢 聽說 已經放在市場上 一年左右了 因為需要浩大的工程
地點來說 是我們兩個喜愛的 房子大小 也是剛好 至於房價咩 我們都覺得 應該要在低點
等了幾個星期後 又去找了前屋主的兒子們 想私下談談 但是...又是一個失落
弟弟 是出力的人 想要趕緊脫手 好去渡假 哥哥呢 主要是出錢的人 想要賣個好價錢 硬是不肯退讓
所以 也沒法在談什麼囉

前前後後 看了不下10間 有幾間中意的 好啦~又要開始來議價囉
先從我們都很歡的那間開始 當初 找了公公一起去看房 連他都喜歡 那就是很不錯囉
一個星期後 我們決定 請公公當我們議價 想當然啦 第一次 又被拒絕
想了想 公公出了第二次的offer 不囉唆 被接受了呢 這次 看起來 很肯定哪
我和Matthew心裡 還是戰戰兢兢的 要是 又是跟第一個一樣
兩天過去 看來 是確定了 (歡呼)

一但雙方 同意價錢後 接下來 就是要指派自己的律師 (Conveyancing Solicitor) 和房屋鑑定師 (Surveyor)了
再來 需要提供律師的資料 和證明買家的財務
房屋仲介那 才會把告示牌 換成 SSTC (Sold Subject to Contract)
律師的費用 通常在英鎊六百上下不等 仔細一點 律師會提供明細 讓買家知道 收費的標準
房屋鑑定 分兩到三種 所謂 Basic Home Survey, HomeBuyers Report 和 Building Report (Structual Report)
通常會建議 房屋在75年齡以內 只要HomeBuyer Report 費用在250-300英鎊不等
Matthew的朋友裡 有個是做建造的 他主動提供 可以幫我們先看下房子 有無嚴重的缺陷
於是 約了個下午 公公婆婆 Matthew和他的朋友 一群四個人 約了屋主 去看一下房子

然而 看完房子後 卻有了一翻變動
第一 朋友發覺 地板不平 一問之下 幾年前 淹過一次水 當時的保險公司 安排了屋主一家人 去住旅館 一方面 整修了一樓的地板 (但是 我們都覺得 似乎不是弄的很完善 才會造成地板的不平)
第二 屋內的電線線路 自建造以來 將近60年 沒有重新牽過 英國的電線法規 三不五時 就修改一次 所以 這麼久的房子 沒重新拉過線 勢必 是一個concern 萬一 線路走火 保險公司 可能會用此理由 拒絕賠款
第三 因為淹過水 房屋保險公司 一般都不願意接保 這個 更是一個憂慮
雖然 這麼多年的房屋 只淹了這麼一次

本來 要約matthew的另一個朋友 熟悉房屋線路條約 去看一下房子 看是否有必要重新拉過
但是 詢問了幾間保險公司後 沒一家 願意接受保險
我們 最後只好 忍痛退出交易
心裡 是百般交集 一方面想 也許不會碰到 上面所擔心的事情 但是 又不願意take the risk

哎...興奮了一個星期 到頭來 又要重新整個找房子過程~真是又愛又怕哩

Saturday 18 April 2009


07年 持著配偶簽證 來英國定居快要兩年了 終於 在這星期四 辦下了永久居留簽證 我在一個網站上 po了一篇文章 分享了自己的經驗 這個網站的會員 都是像我們這些 常居在英國的“外國人“一樣 從持有一般的學生簽證,配偶簽證或是依親簽證,到申請永久居留簽證和申請歸化/公民 大家分享了自己的經驗 或是提出相關問題 以供其他人參考 我自己 也從這網站 收取了些經驗 還有 從一位姊妹那 參考了她的經驗 才能讓我這次的申請 這麼通順

在這 轉貼我在另個網站po的文章 :)

I was on a spouse visa and came to the UK on May 2007, therefore, I had to apply for ILR this April. I took my Life in the UK test in early March and then booked an appointment soon after the test. I intended to go to Sheffield (live in Leeds) but the earliest appointment I could get was in Liverpool on 16 April (my visa expired in the end of April). I had been preparing the documents long before I made the appointment, therefore, I just went through all the papers and made sure I enclosed everything and prepared spare documents as many as possible.

I arrived in Liverpool just before 9am, my appointment was 10.45am but needed to arrive 30 mins ahead, so I still had plenty of time to go to the PEO. As I didn't have time to take photo that I had to find a photo booth to take before going to the PEO. There is a photo booth in St John Shopping Centre (opposite of the Liverpool Lime Train Station). Then I headed to the PEO which took me a bit time to find it.

Anyway, I arrived the building around 9.30am, went through the security check (they will ask if you have any mobiles that have to take the battery out). Then, went to the reception (ground floor) that they checked if I were on the list and then gave me a number ticket. Told me to follow the oragne line which led me to the first floor.
Went through the door, there are about 20 counters inside and two payment counter. There are 2 reception counters who will call the numbers on your ticket. She asked for my application form which I gave to her. She checked the name in the system and asked if I were in the UK on student visa in 2002, which I was. Then, she gave me back the application and told me to pay at the payment counter. She also exlained that I would need to leave my passport there if I didn't have enough documents.

I went to the payment counter, didn't wait for too long and made the payment in few minutes, then she said to wait until the number is called.
My number was called around in 10 mins. Sat down at the counter, the staff asked for my application form, then the photos of me and my husband (they only need one each now), then the documents I prepared. I wasn't sure which I should give first as I prepared all the documents they required on the guide, 6 documents from 3 different sources with joint names. I also prepared the documents with our single name on from each months in the past 2 years, as well as other papers in case they asked for more. He said just giving him the documents with the names on. So I gave him 4 folders and explained one was with joint names on, and the other 3 were seperated into 2007, 2008 and 2009. Then he explained what he was going to do and would try to finish it as quick as possible.

He started the folder with the joint names on and logged them onto the system. Then, he worked on the other 3 from 2007 to 2009, logged them as well except for the months already got the joint names documents. It took him about 5-10 mins to finish all the log, he then told me that everything is ok now, the visa will be ready about an hour that I can go out and come back then. He appreciated me that I kept the documents in order that saved him a lot of time. I stayed in and waited within 30 mins until my number been called again. This time was the reception again that he returned the passport to me with a letter about the information I need to know if wanted to apply for citizenship, etc.

The whole process was quite pleasant that it only took me just over an hour from check-in to leave the building. Here I list the documents I prepared.

1. Joint Names:

- Utility bills: 3/4 sets Gas bill and electricity bill (my husband added my name soon after I arrived in 2007)

- Web Saver Account with Joint names: 2 sets a welcome letter and tax year certificate

- Motor Insurance: 1 set

2. Individual Name:

- His mobile bills

- His and my bank account statements

- His and my credit card statements

- His pension scheme confirmation letter
- NHS Smear Test letter
- My dentist appointment letters
- DSA Driving Test confirmation letters
- His and My bank accounts tax certificate

- His and my payslips with the addresses on These were all included and spread cross the past 2 years - 48 documents in total.

3. Spare Documents:

- His and my monthly payslips (without the addresses)
- Our marriage certificate (issued in foreign country)

- His birth certificate

- A letter from my father-in-law to state we live with them since moving back to England and pay rent monthly

I put them in monthly order with each of me and my husband's, I think that was the order he logged in the system as well.

Anyway, I hope this helps for those people who are in preparation to apply for ILR, either M or O or any other catagory.

ps. don't just prepare the documents they stated on the form, you should always keep all the documents posted to you and your partner, either jointly or seperately

pps. try to add your name onto all utility bills, council tax, or mobile bills as early as possible

ppps. make sure you got your photo taken before going to the PEO. There was a man at the reception seemed didn't have his photos ready and was trying to 'negotiate' something. The staff was well-annoyed and told him to get the photo ASAP and come back on time. Not sure if he managed to come back on time thou.